Stimulating our Vagus Nerve for better Body Composition

Doing everything ‘right’ but it’s not leading to better body composition? 

Let's tap into the power of our Vagus Nerve.  Promise it's NOT boring! This cranial nerve is called the 'wanderer' because it goes from our brain to our ears, to throat then to our heart, our respiratory system before heading down to our gut where it supplies the pancreas, the liver, the gall bladder and the small bowel...and then its off to our reproductive system... pretty cool huh?

So why is this nerve SO important?  Well it has a key role in our gut-brain communication, in fact 80% of the information in this nerve is going from the gut to the brain forming the key element of our parasympathetic nervous system - the system that relaxes our body. Just one benefit of this, it helps aid digestion.

When we stimulate our VN it can actually cause us to experience weight loss.  So how do we stimulate our Vagus Nerve?  Here are 7 ways we can do this without supplements, medication or any other artificial devices:

ONE: Cold Water

In the morning wash your face with cold water and for further stimulation, fill your mouth with cold water at the same time.

TWO: Alternate Hot & Cold Showers

Stay under hot (safe temperature) for 10 seconds and then make it cold (it has to be completely cold) and this hot/cold variation is a very good stimulant.  Finish off with a misting of Cooling Recovery Mist - fortified with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and cooling ingredients to help calm heated, flushed skin and prevent breakouts, whilst reapplying light hydration to dehydrated skin.

THREE: Humming & Gargling

As mentioned earlier the Vagus Nerve also supplies the throat muscles, humming or gargling (just water) are techniques to stimulate the VN.  

FOUR: Yoga

Deep breathing as in Pranayama and Sun salutation are both powerful techniques to use.  Try using our Anti-Stress Supplement Room Spray to create a supportive state of relaxation, and reset at times of high stress.

FIVE: Intermittent Fasting

Use this carefully! This type of fasting can simply mean 'last meal at 7pm and then no eating until breakfast'. Not recommended if you have experience with an ED.

SIX: Massage or Acupressure

These are good detox activities as they open the lymphatic channels and are also stimulating.  Use a soothing oil like Jojoba Oil that shares the same molecular structure as the natural wax esters found in healthy human skin, making it more receptive to receive vital nutrients and antioxidants, and restoring balance.

SEVEN: Long Walk

Here is an easy one! Preferably walk in nature as this allows us to to engage with the production of hormones and chemicals that the trees naturally give out in the atmosphere that we inhale, causing the relaxation response to be triggered rather than our stress response. Let's call it 'forest bathing'.

Note:  This is not a 'lose weight' campaign, however by stimulating your Vagus Nerve in these natural ways, you may see a reduction in body composition.   Always check with your GP/Nutritionist/Dietitian before commencing any new health habit.

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