Why Am I Always Tired?

Sleep, as we know, influences our energy levels and overall health. A deficiency in sleep impacts us emotionally and physiologically, with long periods of sleep deficiency increasing physical and mental health problems, injury risk, and affects our performance and focus.

However it’s not just about ensuring you get those 8 hours each night, but the quality of those hours. Many factors play a role in preparing our bodies to fall asleep and wake up. Our internal ‘body clock’ or circadian rhythm typically has a 24 hour repeating rhythm that controls when we’re awake and when our bodies are ready for sleep. This means, the choices we make right from waking up have the ability to impact our sleep quality that night.

2 Important Components Of Sleep

The two most important components of sleep are one, REM (rapid Eye Movement) - the ultra deep stage of sleep where the most changes occur in our brains. And two, melatonin - the hormone primarily released by the pineal gland in the evening that essentially makes us sleepy and ready for bed. Melatonin has long been associated with with control of the sleep-wake cycle. It is important to put in place strategies to assist with regulating the amount of melatonin you are producing, and how much REM sleep you’re getting.

3 Simple Strategies To Regulate Melatonin & REM

  1. Sunshine. By getting outside more often we receive more sunlight which increases our brain’s serotonin production. This is the neurotransmitter that makes us feel good. Serotonin is then converted into melatonin, which helps us sleep at night. When our melatonin is high our cortisol is low, so by getting some exposure to sunlight every day this will help you sleep better at night.

  2. Bedtime. Research show that the greatest increase in pre-bedtime melatonin (and deeper sleep) is between 10:00pm and 2:00am. Experts say that there is twice as much value per hour in this window.

  3. Get Grounded. Dr Jeff Spencer, a renowned athletic coach, states that one of the most important tools in his health-and-wellness toolbox is “learning how to ground yourself”- ie. get you body connected to the earth’s surface. The earth is brimming with electrons, and our bodies operate off an interesting combination of protons and electrons. When we get grounded, inflammation decreases and our parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest system) kicks in.


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