Why is everyone going on about Magnesium?

Have you ever wondered why health conscious women, athletes from age groupers to elites, and those just struggling to get a good night sleep are always going on about Magnesium?

What is it about this amazing little mineral?

It’s actually an incredibly useful mineral for your body. Being on top of everything that goes into your body is a prerequisite for being ‘at your best’. Whether you’re an athlete, a mum (or both), a working female trying to get in some fitness, it all requires loads of precision and sacrifice. Magnesium happens to be one of those ‘lifesavers’ that we all need and possibly don’t even know it!

Magnesium helps with so many things, like hormone balance, sleep, stress, psoriasis and more.

Applying Magnesium directly to your skin might be the answer to so many of those niggly little things in your life. Products like a magnesium oil spray or magnesium bath salts will boost your recovery and help you to be your best self – whether you’re an athlete or not.

Increase muscle strength

When it comes down to muscle protein synthesis (the process of when we are building muscle mass) magnesium is your first weapon of choice, the enzymes that enable this process are impaired without this incredible mineral. So basically, when we are lacking magnesium we can jeopardise our recovery, hypertrophy & strength.

Better hormone balance 

It’s about finding the balance between healthy testosterone levels while keeping those cortisol levels (stress hormone) in check. magnesium can help your body with this juggling act by increasing the bioavailability of testosterone while lowering your cortisol which will, in turn, help your body cope with the physical (and mental) stress it is experiencing from those tough workouts.

Control you insulin levels 

Magnesium is known to help our body to control its level of insulin. When our insulin is working properly, we burn carbs faster and can develop more lean muscle. It also increases recovery rate as magnesium is like the vitamin C of colds. It helps your muscles recover faster after a hard workout, by fighting inflammation, raising your antioxidant levels and replenishing the energy stores in your muscles.

Products Mentioned:

Magnesium Oil Spray
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Magnesium for Women


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