What is the ‘Everything Shower’? And is it any good for you?

‘Everything Shower’? What is this new health buzz out there? Is it good for you?

You may have heard of the ‘Everything Shower’ by now on social media.  It’s all about a shower with ‘the lot’.  Shampoo and conditioning, to lip scrubs and facials, to pretty much anything else you can think of to do in the shower. And while this is a great practice to incorporate into our week, too much of a good thing can actually be harmful to our skin.

Ok, so some people are beginning to really ‘up’ their shower routines, no longer just jumping in for that quick rinse, but taking the time out for longer cleanses that cover all aspects of their personal hygiene needs.

An ‘Everything Shower’ is, exactly what it sounds like - you clean everything. So, after the shaving, shampooing and conditioning, there’s the deep conditioning masks, the exfoliators, and the foot scrubs etc.  When we incorporate an ‘Everything Shower’ into our week, it is actually a great way to practice our self-care routine while at the same time, taking care of numerous body and skincare needs.  

There are a few key areas of an ‘Everything Shower’ that is important for the health of our skin, and one of those is the temperature of the water. The first step is to make sure you are using lukewarm water. The ideal temperature is between 37 and 38 degrees Celsius.  If your water is too hot, it can strip oil from your skin, leaving your skin dehydrated and irritated.  Also, when we use hot water, this can trigger the release of histamine in the body, which can lead to skin irritation and itching.  You might even find you benefit from a cool post shower rinse.

So, what’s actually involved in the ‘Everything Shower’?

There are countless suggestions for your ‘Everything Shower’ routine and it can be beneficial to break it down into 3 parts:

  1. There’s the pre-shower prep

  2. Follow-up with the shower

  3. Finish off with the post-shower routine

Part 1 The Prep: 

Use your prep time to set the mood in your bathroom.  Try turning on some music or a podcast, light your favourite candle, sort your hair and skin care products in order of use, and start to unwind. Your shower can include everything from your normal shower time activities—like shampooing and shaving—to face masks, skin exfoliating rinses, hair conditioning masks, and foot scrubs.

Part 2 The Shower: - Here's a list if you need it!

Shampoo and conditioner, Hair mask, Shave, Face wash, Face mask, Lip scrub, Nail file, Body scrub, Moisturizing lotion, Add your extras here

Tip:  It is important to wash your face last as this will remove any products that may have gotten onto your face during your shower.

Part 3 The Post shower:  Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize

Think: Facial mists, lotions, serums, and oils. It is important to moisturize within two to three minutes of stepping out of your shower as this will seal the skin barrier and lock in moisture and humidity from the shower. We recommend activ(ology) Cooling Recovery Mist and Organic Jojoba Oil for a clean protective base that targets replenishing water and oil hydration levels and build up with your personal serums and lotions.

Make sure your ‘Everything Shower’ is more helpful than harmful. An important note:  Don’t spend too long in the shower, spending too much time in the shower can strip the skin of important oils.  You want to preserve some oil on your skin as this helps to keep it soft and moisturized. Ideally spend about 10 minutes under the water.

An ‘Everything Shower’ is not a daily occurrence.  For most people, the perfect goal is taking an ‘Everything Shower’ once a week. And while this will vary based on your schedule and personal hygiene needs, any more than this could become too irritating for your skin. ‘Everything Shower’s, in moderation, really can be a great way to practice self-care and self-care is an important part of nurturing our self-confidence.

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