Fatigued?  What is it? What causes it? How can I self-manage it?

So what is fatigue?

Fatigue isn’t the same as feeling tired or sleepy, although there is a link. When we feel fatigued, we feel like we have no energy, to the point that it starts to affect our daily living, along with our mental & emotional wellbeing.

Fatigue is actually a very common complaint and both physical and/or psychological conditions, can be the cause of fatigue.

The Facts

  • Fatigue is when we feel exhausted - all the time.

  • When our daily living is being impacted, and so is our mental and emotional wellbeing.

  • Too much stress, anxiety, depression, viruses, or sleep problems often causes fatigue.

  • Some non-medical treatments may be effective in treating fatigue, like cognitive behavioural therapy.

  • Important:  You should see your doctor if fatigue continues for more than 2 weeks.

What symptoms are related to fatigue?

The symptoms of (and associated with) fatigue include:

  • Feeling very tired

  • Getting tired quickly after starting an activity

  • Lacking in motivation

  • Having problems with concentration & memory

  • Our reaction times are slower

  • We are regularly in a poor mood

  • We start having problems focusing

  • We’ve developed problems with hand-eye coordination

There’s an increased chance of taking risks or making errors. Unfortunately, fatigue often gets worse gradually so you might not even realise how much it is affecting you until you think about all the things you used to do.

Ok, so what causes fatigue?

Generally, fatigue is caused by stress, anxiety, depression, viruses — such as the flu or COVID-19 — or sleep problems. There are some medications that may also cause you to feel fatigued. 

Sometimes fatigue is a symptom of a physical condition such as:

  • anaemia — not having enough iron in our blood

  • sleep apnoea — is a condition that affects our breathing whilst we sleep

  • underactive thyroid — when we have too little of the thyroid hormone thyroxine

  • coeliac disease — when we are allergic to gluten

  • chronic fatigue syndrome — when we have severe, disabling fatigue that lasts for at least 4 months. We may also have other symptoms such as pain in our joints and muscles. Chronic fatigue syndrome is also called myalgia encephalomyelitis (ME).

  • diabetes — when our body cannot metabolise glucose. This common condition also causes thirst, a need to go to the toilet frequently and weight loss.

  • glandular fever — an illness caused by a virus that also gives us a sore throat and swollen glands

  • restless legs syndrome — when we have the urge to keep moving our legs at night

  • cancer

  • heart disease

  • problems with the liver or kidneys

  • multiple sclerosis

When do I see my doctor if I have fatigue?

It is important to go and see your doctor if you have fatigue for more than 2 weeks and it’s not getting better. Ask your doctor about whether it’s safe to drive or carry out your normal work duties.

How is fatigue treated?

To find out what is causing your fatigue, your doctor will ask you about any other symptoms and do a full examination. They may order blood tests or imaging tests, depending on what they think your condition might be.

Treatment will depend on the condition that is causing your fatigue. Sometimes, after treatment, you will feel better almost straight away. However, it might take several weeks for your fatigue to lessen.

Mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and cognitive behavioural therapy are non-medical treatments that may be effective in treating fatigue. For more information check out HERE

How can I manage fatigue myself?

You should make sure you have good quality sleep to help you manage fatigue. Try and go to bed at the same time each night and stick to healthy sleep habits.

By eating a healthy diet and doing regular physical activity you can also help improve your sleep and lessen fatigue. Eating small, frequent meals throughout the day with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, avoiding junk food, drinking plenty of good, healthy fluids and try to avoid alcohol and caffeine since these may affect your sleep.

Remember:  Fatigue is not normal. Don’t ‘put up with it’. Talk to someone and get help.  You deserve to be the best version of yourself.

Product/s to support fatigue symptoms:

Magnesium Oil Spray
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