Reset. Restart. Refocus.



  • Building resilience & resetting lives

    Resilience best describes the inner strength required to thrive after trauma as it encapsulates what is needed to heal and recover in order to come out the other side and be able to live a life of peace, love and joy. Our resilience programs are:

    • Trauma-sensitive, person-centered and strength-based

    • Designed to build capability in the skills for everyday life, promote wellbeing, self-awareness and understanding

    • Delivered face-to-face and online

    • Disability sensitive

  • Capability Program.

    60 minute consultation face to face, or via online.

    Building everyday skills for everyday life. The Capability series addresses the knowledge and skills necessary for everyday life including job readiness, money management, budgeting, legal, technology safety and other life skills.

    Currently on Offer

    The Financial Wellbeing Series: Covers control of your everyday finances and confidence in making decisions about money. Discover your money mindset, strengths opportunities, and strategies to improve your mental fitness.

    Work readiness series: Covers career/job pathways, resume assistance, cover letter assistance, interview technique.

  • Wellbeing Program.

    60 minute consultation face to face, or via online.

    Living and enjoying life to the fullest. The Wellbeing series encompasses:

    Wellness activities for fun & purpose: art & craft, exercise.

    Wellbeing for recovery support: evidence-based activities to promote healing and recovery e.g. boxing (for fitness and fun) and art therapy.

    Wellbeing life skills training: resilience skills training, mental health, mindfulness, meditation.

  • Therapeutic Program.

    60 minute consultation face to face, or via online.

    Understand and repair. The Therapeutic Program offers one-on-one counselling and/or coaching from fully qualified therapists.

    The Program draws on evidence-based modalities such as Schema Therapy, Cognitive Therapy (CT), Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) and elements from the Resilience Training.

  • Group Workshops.

    Face to face and online group workshops.

    Wellness activities for fun & purpose: art & craft, movement.

    Wellbeing for recovery support: evidence-based activities to promote healing and recovery e.g. boxing (for fitness and fun) and art therapy.

    Wellbeing life skills training: resilience skills training, mental health, mindfulness, meditation.